Monday, 26 June 2017


Often times we find ourselves questioning our sexuality and whether or not to explore it and live it out is worth all the criticism and hatred we get as a response of this, from the communities we live in especially if our family is part of it too. I wouldn't advice anyone to live a lie because if we lived to make people happy yet we are not happy or have anyone to do the same for us then what is the point of being selfless.

Transgender and Intersex people are being abused everyday and the worst part is that even people who claim to care about them become perpetrators by not doing anything about people who directly and boldly discriminate this people. Being Transgender and or  Intersex is not medical condition and it does not go away with time it is a part of who this individuals are. Before we start judging, one should pick a book and read or google or better yet ask and you will get your answers. What is this world turning into? Its  like illiteracy and ignorance are what we presume to be important. This saying "ignorance is bliss"does not work anymore because ignorance to me is irresponsibility and stupidity. We need to be aware of the world and environments we live in and people we live with especially when it comes to exercising our Human Rights yet not violation the next persons' Human Rights.

You don't have to be friends with Trans and or Intersex people all we ask at Rainbow Identity (RI) ask is tha we find a way of living together without violating one anothers' Human Rights.

Monday, 12 June 2017


Good morning readers it has been a while since I posted something and its because I have been swamped with a lot of work and back to back workshops. Today I would like to address the issue of Transgender and Intersex people discriminating against each other. We preach Human Rights and advocacy and ending discrimination and stigma yet we ourselves (LGBTIQ) judge each other and help demoralize each other every opportunity we get. I had a conversation with a Trans man yesterday on my way home and he raised this issue and talked at length about it and it made me realise that until we start accepting one another and understanding and also considering each other's feelings we can never win with this nation or reach our goals.

Guys lets love each other and practice what we preach if we want to be taken seriously. Still on that we are always at each other's throats as the LGBTIQ trying to be better that the other and that on its own will make archiving our goals to decriminalize Homosexuality in Botswana impossible to archive. we are the Rainbow family we are hated by most and discriminated against every where we go its time we defend our fellow brothers and sisters and remove discrimination of any sort from our minds and vocabulary. As one of the key populations we need all the love and support we can get among-st and from each other before we can go out looking for acceptance out there.

Lets put our ducks in a row.we do not need to be friends or even like each other but lets not be the first to jump the gun as soon as one of us is discriminated against. Lets not be the ones throwing hateful speeches at each other. lets stop bullying be it cyber or personal, lets stop all this abuse against each other because the blunt truth is people judge us by what we do and the LGBTIQ we live under a micro scope so this careless behavior needs to stop right away