For the past 8 years Rainbow Identity Association hosted transgender and intersex pride in Gaborone. 2019 there will be no transgender and intersex pride but Gaborone LGBTI pride, this is because individuals approached the organization with the concept to do Gaborone Pride, the purpose of Gaborone Pride event is to call for acceptance and care amongst gender and sexual minorities in Botswana’s diverse society as well as to provide a platform to continue the fight for equality and to challenge prejudice.
As an organization that specifically working with transgender and intersex community believes in support of human rights, respect for human rights movement without tokenism. Trans and intersex community share with LGB community an experience of stigma and discrimination due to non-conformity to traditional or conventional sex. We are still medically constructed to be either male or female where medicalization is posed as a solution to discrimination.
Rainbow Identity Association believes in diverse inclusive and supportive community. We believe this Gaborone Pride will be a true representation of our community, social interactions aren’t usually that relaxed but during the pride been together in public and keeping each other safe and uplifted it’s the day LGBTI are not outcasts. Pride is an opportunity for many to be true to selves in a world that’s not so friendly to people outside the norm.
Rainbow Identity Association salute the individuals who came up with the concept for not relaying on organizations to do such activities, this shows community empowerment and we hope to see all of you on Saturday 30 November 2019 at the three chiefs monument from 0730hrs – 2130hrs
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