Non-binary is an umbrella term that encompasses people that identify
as anything other than male and female including (but not limited to)
agender, transmasculine, transfeminine, gender neutral, androgyne,
bigender, trigender, gender fluid, neutrois. It is a valid gender
identity and although African culture has traditionally categorised
people as male or female. The words to describe non-binary
genders in African society are relatively new and have led some people
to think it is a fad but there have always been non-binary people. Many (but not all) non-binary people identify as transgender (defined
as identifying as a gender different to that assigned at birth). Some
non-binary people also experience gender dysphoria (discomfort/distress
at the mismatch between their biological sex and gender identity)
Things you can do to support non-binary people
Many people expect non-binary people to be androgynous and some are,
however, gender expression is incredibly varied. Some are traditionally
masculine, some feminine, some have a combination of masculine and
feminine expression while others change from day to day. All are valid,
if someone says they are non-binary accept it and listen to what they
need you to do.
- Gender us correctly (even when we are not there)
Non-binary people may change their name and pronouns. Some use
gendered pronouns (he/she) that they most closely identify with others
use gender-neutral pronouns (e.g. they, Xe). If you don’t know how to
use singular they (which is grammatically correct) or an alternative
gender-neutral pronoun, Google it and then use it. It may take a little
getting used to. Misgendering (referring to someone using a word that
does not reflect the gender with which they identify) can induce
significant distress. If you make a mistake correct yourself and move on
– don’t turn it into a big deal (we know people make mistakes). Turning
it into a big deal makes them feel uncomfortable.
- Don’t ask invasive questions
They are not obliged to discuss their genitals, chromosomes, hormones,
surgery or how they have sex with you. It makes them very uncomfortable-
would you like to be asked about your genitals especially by someone you
just met? There is lots of info online if you want to know more about
transitioning and get answers to your questions without making
non-binary individuals uncomfortable.
By Urbenia Kgwarae
RIA Media and Advocacy Officer