Wednesday, 25 October 2017


Bobela  support group which is based in Kanye will be having traditional games on the 28th of October 2017 at Montshiwa grounds opposite Southern District Council. The games will be open to the general public. The support group are doing this as a way of launching their support group. The event will be sponsered by Rainbow Identity Association (RIA) and BONELA. The games will start off at 10 am, how ever registration for the games will be from 830 am to 930 am. Registration is P5.00 per game for individual played games and P10.00 per game for team played games. There will be four categories of these traditional games which are: Ball games (suna baby, 3 tin, mmadithini, ola 1 and maroundas), Hopp games (scotch,koi,safe), Board games (mmele, morabaraba,diketo,chama), Race games (sack race, egg race). From these categories some games are team played and some are individually payed,however sack race is spercifically played by couples to try and promote communication among partners. On this day we will also have a moment of silence as a commemoration for intersex day.
Kanye couselor or Hon Kennedy Otlaadisa will be attending the games as the guest of the day and to encourage the youth of Kanye on more of such events to bring unity and togetherness of their communities. Guest speaker will be Mr Skipper Mogapi RIA director. There will be entertainment and food will be available at an affordable price.

Tuesday, 3 October 2017


Advocating for the rights for the Transgender people has been a challenge in every possible way, transmen and transwomen have felt discriminated by the communities they live in because of how they have been labeled and addressed due to the sex they were assigned at birth. The gender marker has however been a more of a challenge because they had to be discriminated by people who don’t even know them including the system. By one of the many transgender people having won a case of having their gender marker changed from male to fee male is not only a victory to the applicant but to other transgender people because now they can step out of their closets and make the same application. It is not a guarantee that all of them will meet the same fate but at least there is hope. Maybe there is also hope in our justice system for the trans community after all. Rainbow identity association still has a long way by insuring that transgender people have their gender marks changes without the long process of court cases and exposure of the transgender [people to the media and public because they too have the right to privacy and to feel safe.
On Friday 29th September 2017 a transman won a case in which he had applied for his gender marker to be changed on his national identity card from female to male.

“In a landmark victory for the transgender community, Justice Nthomiwa of Lobatse High Court this morning ordered that a transman's gender marker be changed from female to male” Says Mmegi Online Newspaper. The online newspaper goes on to say that though assigned the female gender at birth, the applicant, (who cannot be named as the Court has previously issued an order that the applicant's identity remain confidential) identifies as a man. The Court ruled that refusal to change the applicant's gender marker was unreasonable and violated the applicant's rights to dignity, privacy, freedom of expression, equal protection of the law, freedom from discrimination and freedom from inhumane and degrading treatment. Therefore, government has been ordered to change the gender marker on the applicant's Omang from female to male. Nthomiwa's ruling is likely to set precedent for transwoman, Ricki Kgositau, who also wants her gender marker changed.Her case will be heard in December before Judge Dambe.
We as Rainbow Identity Association hope for the same outcome for Miss Kgositau and wish her all the best, that is to say we support her all the way.

For more information on transgender and intersex issues and in helping us advocate for their right and well being please contact us at +267 3905493, or visit our Facebook page Rainbow Identity.