Tuesday, 19 December 2017


Pride is a day when the office mobilizes people from the LGBTI and the community to come and march in celebrating and commemorating the Trans and Intersex community. It starts off with a March then motivational talks with key note speakers. This year’s pride started off with a march from G-West shopping complex to RIA offices in phase four where most of the activities took place.
the theme for this years pride was, Removing Legal Barriers
This was this years and last year’s theme as we have realized that this past two years we have had break through as few gender marker change cases have been won by Trans people who took the government to court. Our massage for the day was that the Trans and intersex community needs access e.g. access to sexual reproductive health and access to security regardless of their sex and gender.

This year's  pride was a success because the turn up was amaizingly and good and a lot of people if not all are eagerly waiting for next year’s pride as for some this was their first pride

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