Thursday, 22 February 2018


On the 20th of February in...
"Let us expedite gender issues, we need to come to terms and accept that we have individuals with both sex organs from birth (transgenders). We cannot pretend anymore as a nation that we are not alive to this reality. We need to ensure that privacy in hospitals and schools aligns with this reality. Sex correction operations on these individuals should be expedited to avoid a situation whereby our children leave in humiliation. We need to appreciate that these children did not choose to be born like that- Member of Parliament for Mahalapye East Botlogile Tshireletso" wrote Argus Online

It is an honour to see one of the few woman in parliament lobbying and advocating for Transgender and intersex issues. Pushing for equality and proper structures in schools and health facilities concerning the Transgender and Intersex people not to mention sex reassignment to be expedited as it is a necessity in order for one to live a dignified life. we thank you Minister Tshirelotso you have led by example in this two sayings "mme thari ya sechaba" and "mmangwana o tswara thipa ka fa bogaleng" we applaud you for such progressive thinking among us especially the elderly.

I would further more like to clarify a few things to the public to make it simple to understand the key terms which are often misplaced and misinterpreted.

INTERSEX is a person born with a combination of male and female biological characteristics, such as chromosomes or genitals, that can make it difficult for doctors to assign their sex as distinctly male or female.

TRANSGENDER refers to people whose sense of their own gender differs from what would be expected based on the sex characteristics with which they are born. A transgender person may identify as a woman despite having been born with male genitalia, for example, and some transgender people do not specifically identify as men or women hence Gender Non Conforming (GNC).
Lets stand together and be vocal about such issues as everyone has the right to equality and to live freely with dignity, say no to Trans-phobia and discrimination against Trans and Intersex community. We are ONE.

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