As children transition, so must
their families.
There are few professionally
published resources for mothers of transgender and gender nonconforming people.
As children transition, so too must their families, and no one feels this
change as acutely as mothers, who often both bear their children and act as
their primary caretakers. The bond between mothers and their children is one
that is frequently referenced, but too infrequently spoken of honestly.
Here are recommendations of things
every parent needs to know about their transgender child.
- What should parents do if they think their child is gender non-conforming or transgender?
First, just
continue to love your child and support your child for being themselves.
Second, don’t panic. Third, educate yourself about what this all means, and
consult with other parents who have been in your shoes. Join an online support
group or attend a meeting with other parents of transgender or gender variant
kids. Read some books. Try to locate a therapist who has experience working
with families like yours. The therapy might actually be as important in
supporting the parents, as well as the child.
- How can parents tell if their child is transgender?
look for several specific markers of gender variance. These include young
affirmed girls who wish to pee sitting down, wear traditional girls’ clothing,
want to grow their hair out, use items like tablecloths to make dresses and hair
wraps, play more with other girls, and choose more traditionally defined
“girl’s toys” over things like trucks and superheroes. These affirmed females
will also usually insist they are girls (not just want to be girls) and may
feel very distressed by their boy body parts. Affirmed males will usually
be very tomboyish, want short hair, play mostly with other boys or feel more
comfortable with more traditionally boyish clothes (including underwear) and
toys, and even pee standing up. They may say they are boys. However, not all Trans
children express their gender in a similar fashion, and these are only
guidelines. If parents notice a combination of these factors in their child,
and it doesn’t appear to be a “phase” i.e. it does not pass they might consider
consulting with a knowledgeable gender specialist.
- What resources exist to help families with transgender children?
There are
online support groups and we, RIA has a parents
and allies support group, some monthly drop-in groups in certain cities and
towns, organizations like PFLAG and Gender Spectrum, and several national
gender conferences, including the annual one put on by Gender Spectrum, that
are wonderful resources for families. Connect with other families in your area
and start your own support group if none exist. Many families have found that
finding a knowledgeable, supportive therapist experienced in working with Trans
kids and their families is a wonderful thing.
- How is the world changing for transgender children?
children need no longer feel isolated and afraid in many families and
communities. Because of brave families who have paved the way, sometimes this
is a non-issue in some school districts and communities of faith. Children are
no longer hiding, but are able to come out as Trans at a much younger age than
even five to 10 years ago. When children are allowed to be themselves and grow
up feeling loved and supported, they become independent, productive,
emotionally stable young adults. Isn’t that our goal as parents?
- What kinds of things do the stories of parents of transgender children have in common?
The most
common element is that though parents truly struggle to understand something
that is unusual to them at first about their children, because of love, they
choose to believe in their kids, and not let society dictate to them that
something is “wrong” with their children. Many have become advocates for all
children across the gender spectrum and often for the entire transgender
community. They have gone from shock and fear, to acceptance, to becoming
leaders in their communities. That is the power of a parent’s love.
- What do the parents of transgender children find to be the easiest? The most difficult?
I’m not sure anything could be said to be
easy, because we as a society are still learning about this issue. What can be
the most difficult is being able to let go of the child you thought you had,
let go of the dreams you may have had for that child, and begin using a new
name and different pronouns. Once these difficult tasks are given some time,
things may begin to get easier.
- The role of unconditional love.
There is no
greater possible source of love in your life than your children. Your children
base their world upon your love and acceptance of them. Unconditional love can
be the key to bringing you back to the present moment and keeping you there.
- How do parents accept their child’s affirmed gender identity?
Know that acceptance takes time. Use your
unconditional love for your child as a means of developing your own
self-understanding: how do I need to grow to allow me to unconditionally love
my child, even when my child is not as I expected they would be? What needs to
change in me so that my focus can be on helping to smooth the way for my child,
to minimize the trauma they experience, to make their life as easy and as
joyful as possible?
- What steps do parents take to share their child’s transition with relatives and their wider communities?
Many parents
of transgender and gender non-conforming children may feel anxiety about
whether and how to disclose their child’s affirmed gender identity. From family
and friends to neighbors, co-workers and even strangers, disclosure is something
parents will have to make decisions about while balancing their child’s
privacy, safety and emotional well being. The more you learn to speak with
confidence and pride about your child, the easier it will be for others to
accept your child and your parenting choices.
- How can parents prepare their transgender and gender-nonconforming children for the path ahead of them?
time helping your child develop coping mechanisms is an essential part of
raising a gender-variant or transgender child. It is important to teach them
resiliency in the face of adversity, and it is critical to help them develop a
strong sense of self-esteem. There are numerous books and resources for parents
about enhancing self-esteem in their children. Research these techniques and
use them on a daily basis.
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