To: All Media
Every year the global community of sexual and gender
minorities identifies one specific focus issue for the celebrations around May 17th which is IDAHOT (International
Day Against Homophobia Transphobia and Biphobia). This year, the proposal
is to focus attention on JUSTICE AND
PROTECTION FOR ALL. Indeed, everyone is entitled to justice and protection
regardless of their gender identity, expression, sex and sexuality. We all need
to keep advocating for the protection and justice for the LGBTIQ, especially
when we need to ensure safety, fight violence, lobby for legal change, and/or
campaign to change hearts and minds. Putting the focus of the Day on Justice
and protection for all can create a valuable opportunity for all of us to reach
out to the our communities, legal and justice system and relevant authorities
like the police on emphasis of the protection of these key populations and vulnerable
groups, and to engage in collective action around the Day.
Rainbow Identity Association (RIA) commemorates this day
every year, however this year RIA will be commemorating it on the 18th
of May in Kanye and would like the community and entire country to commemorate this
day with them. RIA is a non-profit making organization based in Gaborone
Botswana. It is an association of intersex and transgender people (Trans-women,Trans-men,
queer gender, gender questioning, transsexuals and non- conforming gender). The
organisation aims at exploring ways of challenging trans-phobic laws and trans-phobia
in Botswana.
RIA prides itself in advocating for the voices of Trans and
intersex people to be heard through sport and gender, community outreach, all
forms of media and more. RIA has been operating for almost 10 years and has
done great work and still is and would like the support of the entire country
in celebrating diversity and the lives both lost and ongoing LGBTIQ community. Before
we have gender identity, expression and sex we are human being and it is up to
us human being to live in harmony by finding peaceful ways to co-exist and one
of those ways is ensuring justice and protection for all. RIA can only do so
much and needs the support and solidarity of the nation to successfully execute
this because “setshwarwa ke ntsa pedi gase thata “ ebile “moroto
o esi ga o ele”
This focus should also be a welcome reminder of the need for
protection within the communities of sexual and gender minorities, as the
rights of one specific group cannot be secured if the rights of other groups
are left unchallenged. The focus on protection and justice should also
highlight the necessity for sexual and gender minorities to push for the
protection of other vulnerable groups (e.g. migrants, people living in poverty,
vulnerable children, etc.).
The commemoration will take place in Kanye spear headed by
Bobela Stas; a Kanye youth LGBTIQ led movement that was formed 2 years ago. There
will be a march from Mahube mall to BG mall and then after the march they will
be a key note speaker who is a member of Kanye council and then solidarity
massages from other organisations, on discrimination and stigma and map the
inter-sectionality with stakeholders to ensure ending violence and inequality against
different diverse communities and lobby for legal reform as a collective.
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